Sunday 23 August 2009


Samantha Exra from Almost like Sushi
has given us a Butterfly award!
And as it happens we are expected to give it forwards.
But to tell the truth I'm extremely lousy at that.
How can you deside for which blog to give an award,
because they all are so great and special.
I desided to start a new way of giving awards.
And this is my way.

I'll pass on Butterfly award to all those beautiful butterflyes
that have flewn beside me.
They have made my life more magical.
Who wouldn't love butterflyes they are just magnificent.
Unfortunately soon comes cold and long winter,
that means that all this summers butterflies must die.
But as we all know there is hidden , all around the world,
these little cocoons. And inside of them is hiding new and
beautiful butterflye.

And there is one more thing.
I just can not forget this one,
Thank you many many times dear Samantha Ezra,
you are too kind. This post is definetly dedicated to you.

Oh, I must tell this one last thing.
This is definetly the last one(I seem to enjoy writing nowadays).
I call this dress my butterflye dress
because the little sleeves look exactly like wings.
So it's the perfect way to party our new award!

Enjoy your butterflyes!

Dress by Malene Birger



  1. Love the dress, it's so pretty!

  2. Hieno sarja! Tykkään tosta kontrastista syvän vihreän ja vaalean ihon välillä! Myös "ruumiinkieli" ja kompositiointi toimii!


  3. pretty cool shots!

  4. Your skin is so pale. It's nice. :)
