Yesterday I visited the marionnette-museum in Lyon, as you can see. I have to admit that first I was bored, but then got fascinated when I started to look at them more closely (I've never really seen a marionnette-show). All the details in clothes are perfectly finished, and some of marionnettes are really scary. Here's a few example.
So here's the Egyptian god Thot (god of wisdom and writing) in a shape of an ape, dated 332-30 before J.C. This is one of my favorite objects in Louvre for unknown reason. Maybe because it's small, beautiful and no one else notices it. And it has a cute ass.
Centre Pompidou! Perhaps one of the best places in Paris, France, or maybe in the whole world. After 5 months of not updating anything I'm finally back, and I hope Ruhvana won't kill me. She might already have her woodoo-dolls done. My excuses: first three months abroad without internet-connexion. The last two months: Desolée, mais quelquefois je suis vraiment parasseuse.